Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)

Italian TractorWe have spent the last 114 days in Italy volunteering on a wide variety of working farms. This experience has been inspirational as well as eye opening for our whole family. We are so thankful to have been able to see, feel and touch another place so intimately. This trip has given birth to new ideas and has given us a clear vision that we want to pursue for our family. We originally thought we would be in Italy for at least a year, but our plans have changed. We are back in the United States to volunteer on working farms to learn and see organic free range farming in the United States.

Our Future Farmer, Romolo the Contadino

Our Future Farmer, Romolo the Contadino

Everyone that we have told we are coming to the States says… “Oh my, is everything ok?” The answer is yes! We are wonderful, happy, healthy and more excited than ever. We are returning with a renewed sense of vision for our future. Our goal is ever more focused on gaining hands on experience from local farmers here in the US. We have learned a ton in Italy, and hope to continue to go back to keep a close connection with our heritage and friends we have made, but there is only so much you can learn without a thorough understanding of the language. We were able to understand a great deal, but delving into farming, we want to learn the in’s and out’s and the nitty gritty. This is difficult with an elementary understanding of any language. Our focus has shifted to finding amazing farmers in the United States to learn from. Our dreams are now beginning to take shape and it’s one of those things that you can almost taste. With that being said, we have returned to the US more excited than ever to grab the bull by the horns.

Sleeping in Roma Fiumicino Airport.

Sleeping in Roma Fiumicino Airport.

We have now returned to Florida after 45 hours of straight travel that included 2 cars, 1 bus, 3 trains, 2 airplanes, sleeping in Roma airport, and a lot of walking. No joke. The kids are champs and I couldn’t be more proud of our family. Needless to say we’ll be taking a bit of R & R and then will be traveling with WWOOF USA to find local farmers to partner with. We’ll probably visit a few of you along the way, so don’t be surprised if you look out the window and see a crazy family at your front door. (We also want to visit an Amish farm at some point. If any one knows of someone we could contact, please let us know.)

The long journey home.

The long journey home.

I should note, our last 3 weeks in Italy were at Cal Binanchino in Urbino. It was AMAZING and by far, was the highlight of our trip! We are excited to write about our new friends, Carlo and Gigia, how they blessed our family, and the amazing farm and butcher shop that they have. Get ready to drool.

4 comments on “Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)
  1. WOW! I couldnt be more surprised! But, I know what you mean about the language….I lived in Israel on a kibbutz for a year and missed out alot because I couldnt speak Hebrew. I was especially interested in the drip irrigation systems that they had going in the middle of the desert. We grew all kinds of stuff.
    Are you sure there isnt anything else youre not telling us??? LOL…Welcome Back!

  2. Pingback: Can I WWOOF with my kids? | WWOOF News

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