The Blog

First I am going to start off talking about the elephant in the room……this recipe is from an American who was trained in Texas at a French Culinary School that lives in Tuscany…confused? Yep me too! But the challah recipe rocks, so try it!

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At the Acetaia San Giacomo (acetaia is the facility where vinegar or aceto is made and the sets of barrels are used for aging), Andrea Bezzecchi takes the concepts of time, history and hand craftsmanship to another level. He started out by telling us bluntly that “the Balsamic name means nothing”. Literally over 99% of the…

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We’re back in Italy. I have been accepted to the University of Gastronomic Sciences and am pursuing a Master in Food Culture and Communications, with a focus on High Quality Products. The school is closely related to Slow Food and was found by Slow Food’s Founder, Carlo Petrini, in 2004. This is not your typical…

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For those of you that may have missed it, we were contacted by the Guardian to do a Q & A about WWOOFing with kids. As you may know, we WWOOFed with our kids in both Italy and the US. Through the process we learned a great deal about farming, our family and about traveling…

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On our journey around Italy we searched for places to find authentic Italian cuisine. This was one of those special days were we stepped back in time and experienced the art of slow food. Just outside of Sepino, Italy, there is a family farm that makes artisan cheeses and cured meats year around. They mainly…

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As some of you may know, we are back in Central Texas connecting with local farms and networking with other like minded individuals. It has been a busy week of visiting farms that has been fruitful and inspiring. I’ll give you a recap of our farm visits (Dewberry Hills Farms and Richardson Farms) and all…

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Here are some packing tips that we used for our family of four while traveling in Italy on working farms during all seasons. This list does not outline every thing we took, but just the important things that made our life easier. Hopefully it will help you on your next adventure, especially if you are…

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It’s hard to put into words our experience at Cal’ Bianchino Frattoria Agricola di Carlo e Gigia in Urbino, Italy. I don’t feel my words will do Carlo and Gigia justice, but I will try my best. Not many times in my life have I been to a place so warm, loving, generous, knowledgeable and…

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We have spent the last 114 days in Italy volunteering on a wide variety of working farms. This experience has been inspirational as well as eye opening for our whole family. We are so thankful to have been able to see, feel and touch another place so intimately. This trip has given birth to new…

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