Eat Your Way Out of a Problem

Biodiversity, by definition, is the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem. Preserving biodiversity in our food system allows us to have a wide variety of foods to enjoy. Sadly, many species are in danger due to industrial standardization, the regulations of large-scale distribution and environmental damage. Slow Food…

The People of Sepino, Italy

Sepino is a town of rich history with incredible beauty, but the people of Sepino are the true treasure of the town. We have been fortunate to meet a myriad of artisans and craftsmen from diverse backgrounds who take raw products and turn them into things of beauty. The Mayor: Starting from the top down,…

Will Work for Adventure!

We wanted to announce that in less than 70 days we are off to backpack Italy with 2 children! Crazy? Yes! Excited? Yes! A little nervous? Yes! Can we fit everything? Who knows! Here are some common questions we have been asked and thought they would be a nice intro for our blog: Are you…